You’re skilled at driving consumer leads.
Leadpoint helps you monetize them better.
Use our advanced scoring, pricing, and matching algorithms to ensure you’re getting maximum value from your traffic.

Why should I create a Seller account at LeadPoint?

It’s fast, free and easy.

Gain immediate access to the world’s largest online lead exchange. Find motivated Buyers in all 50 states with current interest in your mortgage, personal loans, or online leads.

Get the best market-driven price for your leads.

LeadPoint connects Buyers and Sellers in a transparent environment where market dynamics set pricing. There are no hidden fees, and you can set minimum auction pricing. The maximum price is then set by the market. Our constantly improving intelligent matching and pricing algorithms ensure that the right leads go to the right Buyers, while the publishers with the best-performing traffic are rewarded.

We’re your turnkey solution.

MarketPlace is your single point of integration for auctioning online leads in real time. We provide account management, payment collection, legal agreements, and compliance and tech support—so you can focus on operating your business.

We adapt to your needs.

For different types and sizes of businesses with a wide range of competencies, LeadPoint is a one-stop shop offering solutions including form development, hosting, optimization, analytic support, data validation, and both branded and non-branded sales. Besides syndicating forms out to publishers, we provide the necessary technology, operational infrastructure, and compliance and regulatory apparatus to help your business succeed with predictability around monetization.

MarketPlace Features for Sellers

Easy Integration

Getting started is a snap! Simply add a form to your existing website, or link to one of our existing offers.

Faster Payouts

Enjoy the industry’s fastest payouts. Get paid every two weeks for leads generated during the prior two weeks.

Performance-Based Pricing

Your marketing channels are scored in real time to dynamically price leads. This ensures maximum payouts to higher-performing Publishers.

Detailed Reporting

Gain fuller insight into the performance of your campaigns with our comprehensive yet easy-to-understand reporting.

Want to connect with motivated financial consumers today?

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1 (866) 832-8156
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